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Apple Pay abierto para el impuesto a la propiedad per cápita/impuesto de ocupación

Use Apple Pay as a payment option for current real estate tax and for per capita/occupation tax through Keystone’s e-Pay.

e-Pay accepts a wide variety of payment options: Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit card payments, and online payment directly from your bank account.

Apple Pay works just like a credit card payment. Simply select Apple Pay from the payment options menu. Note: First Data Corp. charges a 2.5% credit card processing fee on each credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay transaction (with a minimum of $1).

Apple Pay is available for e-Pay users only. You must download the Apple Pay app on the device you are using to pay your tax.

Keystone’s e-Pay is the easy, fast and secure way to pay your current real estate tax and your per capita/occupation tax online. There is no processing fee if you make your online payment directly from your bank account.


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