Lycoming County Local Earned Income Tax information available here.

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Presente sus estimaciones de EIT del cuarto trimestre antes del 15 de enero

Usar archivo electrónico, Keystone’s web-based service, to pay your 4th quarter earned income tax payment. e-file’s adaptive page formats work for all devices, including PCs, smartphones and tablets, making filing easy and fast. Pay your tax on time to avoid statutory interest, penalty and costs.

Para empezar:

  • Acceso archivo electrónico
  • Provide the required information
  • File your estimate
  • Programe su pago para que llegue en o antes de la fecha de vencimiento

archivo electrónico will help ensure that you’ve met your local tax obligation by calculating your quarterly tax payment, based on your net profits or earned income.

If you are self-employed or your employer does not withhold the local earned income tax from payroll, PA law requires you to pay the tax quarterly.

State law provides a safe harbor for those who self-report the tax quarterly and pay at least 90% of their tax liability on or before the 4th quarter due date of January 15. Or, if you timely pay all four quarterly equal payments totaling last year’s (2019) tax liability, you may also qualify for a safe harbor against statutory penalty, interest and costs if you still owe tax when you file your annual return in April.


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