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Taller gratuito de impuestos para empleadores del condado de Somerset

Keystone Collections Group, Somerset County’s new local earned income tax administrator, will present a free workshop on local tax withholding for employers on Tuesday, December 7.

Keystone will show employers and payroll administrators how to easily file local payroll taxes online using its Business Portal. The December 7 workshop will assist employers with Business Portal enrollment and provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions, said Joe Lazzaro, Keystone’s vice president and general counsel.

“Keystone is working to ensure a smooth transition for all Somerset taxpayers. At our workshop, we will show employers that it takes only minutes to report their local payroll tax withholding through our secure, user-friendly Business Portal application,” Lazzaro said. “Our technology makes filing easy for employers and enables compliance with local tax regulations.”

Employers can attend either of two, free workshops on Tuesday, December 7 from 10-11AM at the Conemaugh Township Municipal Building, 1120 Tire Hill Road, Johnstown or 2-3PM at Somerset REC, 223 Industrial Park Road, Somerset. Each workshop is open to all employers. No registration is needed.


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