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Servicio de pago y respuesta de embargo de salario disponible en línea

Businesses receive wage garnishment notices for an employee’s delinquent local earned income tax and/or per capita/occupation tax from Keystone.  To make the payment and response process easier, Keystone enhanced its Business Portal to include an online wage garnishment payment and response service.

Businesses will realize many benefits from paying and responding to wage garnishment notices online:

  • Eliminate mailing letters and checks
  • Report employment status (e.g., active, terminated, or seasonal)
  • Submit payments online directly from your bank account or credit card
  • Access a list of current and recently completed wage garnishments
  • Save time since account information is securely stored for future use

Take advantage of this service and set up your online account in minutes!

  • Acceso
    • Current Business Portal users enter existing username and password to access the service.
    • New users click Create Account at the bottom of the page and follow the onscreen instructions to register.
  • Once logged in, under Withholdings choose Select and begin entering information via file upload or manual entry.

Need Help?

Contacto a member of Keystone’s Employer Support and Compliance Team for a quick response to your inquiry.


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