Keystone has mailed business privilege/mercantile tax failure to file notices to active and operating businesses that did not file a business privilege/mercantile tax return in tax year 2024.
Business privilege/mercantile tax cannot be filed or paid online. This tax must be filed using the form for your particular jurisdiction available on Keystone’s Formularios page. Payment of tax must be supplied with the filed return and supporting documentation.
If your business received a business privilege/mercantile failure to file tax notice, but you do not believe you owe the tax, complete the back of the tax notice and return to:
Grupo de colecciones Keystone
apartado de correos 489
Irwin, Pensilvania 15642
To access additional information on situations where the tax may not be owed, access our frequently asked questions:
Need Help?
Contact Taxpayer Services en línea or call (724) 978-0300 Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM ET.