Preguntas Frecuentes
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Configuración de búsqueda
Am I required to include local earned income tax withholding on my W2s?
Am I required to withhold the local services tax (LST) from payroll?
Un empleado de nuestra empresa vive y trabaja en una ubicación de tasa de impuesto sobre la renta local 0%, pero lo retuvimos incorrectamente, ¿cómo recupera su dinero?
Are any business activities excluded from the business privilege and mercantile tax?
Are employers required to file payroll taxes quarterly with the tax officer?
¿Están disponibles las extensiones de presentación o pago para el privilegio comercial/impuesto mercantil?
Are new hires during the year subject to the full local services tax (LST) if the annual rate is $10 or less?
Are new hires during the year subject to the full local services tax (LST) if the annual rate is higher than $10?
Are payment plans offered for business privilege/mercantile tax?
Are penalties imposed on employers who do not withhold, file and pay local tax from payroll?
Are Pennsylvania residents who work out of state in a county or municipality that imposes a local income tax subject to that county or municipality’s local income tax?
Are postmark dates accepted when applying discount rates to my real estate bill?
Are separate political subdivisions (PSD) codes for the employee residence and workplace location necessary?
Are taxes due to the tax officer each payroll period?
Are there any allowable exclusions or deductions when calculating “gross receipts”?