Lycoming County Local Earned Income Tax information available here.

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¿Cómo solicito la devolución de un sobrepago de impuestos a nombre de una persona fallecida?

  • If there is an estate, provide a written request for the refund from the executor and proof that the requesting party is the estate executor.  Refunds will be made to the estate.
  • If there is no estate, provide a copy of the death certificate, a written request for the refund and a notarized letter stating that the requesting party is entitled to the refund.  Refunds will be issued to the requestor.
  • If the above documents cannot be provided, a letter signed by the requestor’s attorney stating that the attorney sees no legal reason why the money should not be distributed to the requestor.  The refund check will be issued to the requestor. 

Refund requests can be submitted via the Formulario de contacto.


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