Si recibió un aviso de impuesto sobre la renta del trabajo atrasado pero cree que no debe parte o la totalidad del impuesto no pagado debido a créditos fiscales no aplicados, retenciones de impuestos no declaradas anteriormente u otras circunstancias atenuantes, deberá proporcionar documentación de respaldo para corroborar su reclamo. .
You can quickly and easily submit the required documents and make your payment online using Pago electrónico de Keystone. To get started:
- Acceso Pago electrónico de Keystone
- Click Next at the bottom of the screen
- On the Tax Invoice Number screen, input your invoice number and click Search
- Select the Upload File tab on the right of the screen
- Follow the directions presented on the screen to upload your file(s)
- Once you submit your documents, you will be returned to the invoice search page for any other payment processing needs, if applicable
File upload requirements including file size, file type(s) and maximum limit limitations prior to upload are available on the site. Once you submit your file(s), please allow time for processing.
Currently, this service is only available for delinquent earned income tax accounts.