Electronic File Specifications
Information on how to submit and format earned income tax (EIT) and local services tax (LST) information for upload to our Business Portal.
Keystone PA Standard File Specification
The Keystone PA Standard File Specification format is based on the Federal MMREF-1 file format.
This single format can be used to submit:
- Earned Income Taxes (EIT)
- Local Services Tax (LST) withholding
- W-2 reconciliation information
Single or multiple business locations can be included in the file.
How to Use the PA Standard File Format
Keystone CSV File Specification
The Keystone CSV File Specification format can be used for to submit:
- Earned Income Taxes (EIT)
- Local Services Tax (LST) withholding
One employer workplace location should be included in each file.
If you need to submit both EIT and LST withholding information for a single workplace location, you must submit separate EIT and LST files.
Need to upload a formatted file? Access the Business Portal.