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I moved out of the Phoenixville Area School District. Do I still have to pay the occupation and per capita tax?

It depends. If you moved before July 1, you are not required to pay either tax. You must send a valid proof of change of residence to Keystone along with your payment voucher. Send a copy of one of these documents as evidence of your residence outside of the Phoenixville Area School District:

  • Valid Driver’s license with your new address. The license must be issued before July 1.
  • A deed or lease with your new address. The deed or lease must be signed before July 1.
  • A utility bill with your new address. The bill must be issued before July 1.

To file an exemption request, complete the information on the back of your bill or download an Exemption Form and mail it along with income verification and your payment voucher to:

Keystone Collection Group
PO Box 519
Irwin, PA 15642


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