Lycoming County Local Earned Income Tax information available here.

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If I can prove I don’t owe the delinquent earned income tax (EIT), am I still liable for statutory penalty, interest and costs?

No. If you can prove the tax was paid in full when due, statutory penalty, interest and Act 192 costs are no longer assessed. In such cases, you will receive a notice from this office that you met your obligation for the year(s) in question.

Please file your local earned income tax return every year by the statutory due date to avoid potentially receiving delinquent notices in the future. Keystone’s e-file is the easiest and fastest way to file your local tax return. It takes just minutes.

State law requires Pennsylvania residents with earned income, wages and/or net profits, to file an annual local earned income tax return and supply income and withholding documentation, such as a W-2. Even if you have employer withholding or are not expecting a refund, you must file an annual tax return.


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