Lycoming County Local Earned Income Tax information available here.

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File Your Local Earned Income Tax Return Online

Tax day is April 15, 2024.

Pennsylvania residents with earned income or net profits must file a local earned income tax return online or by mail by April 15, 2024. Even if you have employer withholding or are not expecting a refund, you must still file a return.

For fast and easy filing, use Keystone’s e-file. It works on all devices, including PCs, smartphones and tablets.

To file online:

  • Access e-file
  • Provide the required information (e.g., your wages, local tax withholding and where you lived during the year).
  • Schedule your payment to arrive on or before the due date

We encourage you to take advantage of the many benefits of online filing, including:

  • Real-time calculations, minimizing errors
  • Expedited processing, providing faster refunds
  • Special handling of events including:
    • Moved during the tax year: e-file will apportion your earned income and tax liability for each municipality where Keystone serves as the Tax Officer.
    • Worked outside of Pennsylvania: e-file will apply your reported out-of-state tax credits to your local liability.

File online with e-file today.


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