Lycoming County Local Earned Income Tax information available here.

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Professional Tax Preparers

Keystone published a free Professional Tax Preparer’s Guide in time for the current filing season.

“I thought it was great,” said David L. Zalles, a top tax professional from Blue Bell, near Philadelphia when Keystone presented the guide to the Pennsylvania Society of Tax & Accounting Professionals.

The online guide is fully interactive with one-click access to topics such as: e-file, part-year returns, out-of-state income tax credits, calculating gross compensation, resident and non-resident rates, and employer local payroll tax withholding.

“The interactive table of contents is an unbelievable bonus,” Zalles said.

The first-of-its kind guide responds to requests by professional tax preparers.

“We pulled together a team of Keystone’s top professionals to provide clarity on some of the more challenging aspects of local earned income taxes,” said Joe Lazzaro, vice president and general counsel at Keystone.

The result is a user-friendly, comprehensive yet concise guide.

The guide is being widely used by local income tax preparers across Pennsylvania.


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