Frequently Asked Questions
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Are payment plans available?
Can I confirm the balance due for my tax bill?
Can I determine if I am exempt from the per capita or occupation taxes, and file my exemption request online?
Can I make payments locally?
How can I prevent or stop an active wage garnishment?
How do I determine or confirm my local municipality or school district?
How do I request a tax overpayment refund on behalf of a deceased person?
How does Keystone obtain taxpayer billing information?
I lost my bill. Can you provide me with my invoice number so that I can make a payment online?
I received a delinquent notice for my Phoenixville occupation tax, however, the occupation tax has been abolished. What do I do?
I received a delinquent occupation tax bill from Keystone. The original bill is not from Keystone but from another tax collector. Do I have to pay the delinquent tax to Keystone?
I received a per capita and/or occupation tax bill, however, the named taxpayer is deceased. How do I remove the taxpayer from the tax rolls?
I received an occupation tax bill, but my spouse did not. Do we have to request a bill for my spouse?
Is access to Keystone payment applications restricted outside of the United States?
Is the occupation tax different from the per capita tax?